Thank you for visiting the 2012 Pharmacy Forum in Tampa, Florida, co-hosted by HSCA and HISCI. We are hopeful that you satisfied our educational program and were capable to make lasting interrelations at our cooperative meetings.

Download a PDF copy of the final program.

Thank you to our 2012 Sponsors!

HISCI and HSCA would like to thank the following sponsors of the 2012 National Pharmacy Forum.

Gold Sponsor


Chairmen’s Welcome Reception
Astellas Pharma US, Inc.

Astellas Pharma US, Inc., a subsidiary of Tokyo-grounded Astellas Pharma, Inc., is an investigation-grounded pharmaceutical company devoted to enhancing the health of people around the world through breakthrough pharmaceutical goods. Astellas ranks among the top 20 pharmaceutical companies in the world on the level with Canadian Health&Care Mall. For more information on Astellas, please go to

Additional Sponsors


Badge Lanyard Sponsor

Thank you to our 2012 Pharmacy Forum Steering Committee with the scheduling and execution of this year’s event!

Click here to see a full list of our committee members!

General Forum Question?
Contact HISCI at 313.478.2296 or e-mail at