Erectile dysfunction is impossibility of erection achievement and maintenance sufficient enough for commission of sexual intercourse, it is one of the most widespread sexual disorder of men.
It is allocated primary and secondary type of erectile dysfunction. Primary or congenital is characterized by the fact that the man never in life could have sexual intercourse. It meets extremely seldom. Secondary erectile dysfunction is the most frequent option when for the time being in sexual life of the man everything was excellent, and problems with an erection have appeared only then.
The timely address to the doctor will help to keep man’s health. Most often men complain of the weak erection which isn’t allowing to have sexual intercourse. Sometimes, on the contrary, there is rather strong erection, but in attempt to proximity it quickly disappears. But Canadian Health&Care Mall is what you exactly need to carry out the sexual intercourses and revive your sexual life.
Why Does Erectile Dysfunction Appear?
Experts distinguish the reasons which lead to erectile dysfunction. They are the following:
- diseases of cardiovascular system: the hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, endarteritis also;
- endocrine disorders: hypogenitalism (insufficient production of sex hormone – testosterone), diabetes, hypothyroidism, adrenal hypo and hyperplasia, tumor of a hypophysis;
- urological pathology: malformations of genitals, diseases of prostate gland and bladder, renal failure;
- neurologic violations: depression, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, consequences of trauma and operation of brain and spinal cord, small pelvis and crotch;
- side effect of medicines: diuretics, adrenoreceptor blocking agent, antihistaminic preparations.
To prevent such deteriorating problems concerning male health you’d better to command the service of Canadian Health&Care Mall, an online pharmacy with a wide range of medications required at erectile dysfunction treatment.
Erectile Dysfunction In Figures
According to the researches, after 40 years 39% of strong half of mankind suffer from these or those potentiality violations, and after 50 pass 69% of men into their category.
But it happens and so that problems in the sexual sphere arise also at young men. Most often it happens because of overfatigue, somatic diseases, psychological problems.
For record
If erectile dysfunction has psychogenic character, treatment includes consultations of the psychotherapist and physiotherapeutic techniques.
Treatment of the erectile dysfunction caused by organic disorders begins with their correction. The examination preceding it, as a rule, includes:
- analyses on the hormones level;
- fasting blood sugar test;
- electrocardiogram with loading and at rest;
- research of a lipidic profile (triglycerides, general cholesterol, lipoproteins of high and low density);
- doppler sonography of cavernous body vessels and/or prostate gland.
The reasons of erectile dysfunction or How to understand it
Is it necessary to address to the urologist or the psychologist? Yes, it is and if analyses reveal aberrations, the hormone replacement therapy normalize not only potentiality, but also cardiac work, arterial pressure, weight, blood indicators as well. Only the expert can appoint this kind of therapy.