Delayed Ejaculation – Useful or Dangerous?

Delayed EjaculationDelayed ejaculation will help continue sexual intercourse and seem more courageous to your partner. There are several ways of how to prolong ejaculation. But is it worth trying?

Below in the article:

  1. Delayed ejaculation – male ejaculation tips
  2. The method of “compression”
  3. The method of “stop-start” to prolong ejaculation
  4. Why is delayed ejaculation harmful?
  5. How to stop premature ejaculation for sure?

Delayed ejaculation – male ejaculation tips

Some women and men are interested in why man ejaculates quickly and how to prolong ejaculation. There are 2 common methods that will help avoid premature ejaculation.

The method of “compression”

This kind of potency exercises is quite popular and practiced by many men. The goal of the technique is to learn how to feel your body, to recognize sensations during stimulation and before ejaculation. It is necessary to bring a man to maximum sexual excitement, after that the process will be stopped due to compression of the penis. Compression should be strong enough for erection to relax a little. Compression duration is several seconds. It should be stopped quickly, but without unpleasant sensations.

The method of “stop-start” to prolong ejaculation

Try this way to stop premature ejaculation. Use this option with masturbation, preliminary caresses, during sexual intercourse. The principle of the method is extremely simple. With maximum excitation, the process should be interrupted.

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After that, count up to 10 seconds and continue having sex. Such a pause during intercourse is a natural way that will allow you to control the waves of pleasure and assess the level of sexual arousal. There are also Kegel exercises for men and premature ejaculation pills.

Why is delayed ejaculation harmful?

Such simple and harmless tips of how to stop premature ejaculation have opponents. Some researchers argue that delayed ejaculation is unsafe, may damage your health and even provoke psychogenic erectile dysfunction. They argue this as follows:

  • Delayed ejaculation is an unnatural process. A purposeful delay of the process contributes to disruption of the reproductive system. Some urologists insist that similar “compression” techniques can cause inflammation and even prostate cancer;
  • Prolonged ejaculation provokes psychological problems. If a man has idea fix of prolonging sexual intercourse at any cost, he can forget about the quality of sex. In fact, as you know, a woman’s orgasm is a complicated thing, and often it is not enough just to have a long sexual intercourse. Also, if a guy can’t prolong sex with a variety of techniques, he will become frustrated;
  • Controlling ejaculation, you reduce the amount of pleasure. Man is constantly constrained, focused, can not relax. As a result, it is quite difficult to enjoy the process with a partner.

How to stop premature ejaculation for sure?

Viagra Super Force

If you wonder how to prolong sexual intercourse, you can use premature ejaculation natural remedies or proven methods (discuss the medication with your doctor). Viagra Super Force with Dapoxetine (PDE5 inhibitor) will help you for sure.

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The drug promotes filling of cavernous bodies with blood, resulting in a quick an strong erection.

Viagra Super Force works for 6 hours, during which the body is ready to develop 5 – 6 erections, and duration of each sexual intercourse increases by 15 minutes (according to clinical studies). You can buy the best drug for premature ejaculation online at an affordable price.

It’s quite simple to learn how to delay ejaculation, but the constant desire of prolonging sexual intercourse can negatively affect your state. Discuss premature ejaculation treatment with your partner and take a decision together.